How to

Ok, if you are into making money at home with offers and want to know how to get your offers to credit on gpt sites, then you are at the right place. I will provide you some tips on how to complete offers with GPT sites and PrizeLive .
First, you have to make sure your cookies are cleared before you complete an offer because if it is not then you will not receive credit for the offer you complete. Don't know what a cookie is? A cookie is a file that advertisers and most sites leave on your computer to identify your computer once you go on the site. Most sites will clear the cookie once you log out or leave the site, but since you are using advertisers to make money they want to make sure they leave their print to keep track. They do this so you want complete a similar offer with one of their sister companies, so the best way you can keep making money and get offers approved is to clear your cookies between your offers.

There are two ways to clear your cookies, you can get a free download from CCleaner to automatically clear your cookies between your offers or you can manually clear your cookies from your browser like Firefox, Safari, and Internet Explorer.

Here's a free download of CCleaner here. Here's a live tutorial on CCleaner Tutorial , if you need any more help..

If you want to clear your cookies manually, here's the instructions for them for Firefox, Internet Explorer, and Safari:

Firefox: Go up to your address bar and above that you should see Tools, click on it and go to Options.
Options will open and go to the Privacy button. Once there, go to where it says Show Cookies.
Click on Show Cookies and click on Remove All Cookies. Once you complete this all the temporary files and cookies should be gone. You will have to log back into your GPT site and that's it, go to the next offer and once completed do it all over again.

Safari: Go up to the right of the address bar and it should be an icon that resembles a star. Once you see click on it and go down to Preferences.
Once you are in Preferences, click on Security at the top and at the bottom of that it should say Show Cookies.
Click on Remove All and click on Done, and close out the settings window and you are through go back to site and log back in, and go to the next offer and once completed do it all over again.

Internet Explorer: Go up to the right of the address bar and you should see Tools, click on it and click on Internet Options.
Once there go to the General tab and you should see Browsing History.
Click on Delete and it should bring it up, you can single select Delete Cookies but the best option is to Delete All.
Once you click on Delete All, it will ask you one more time are you sure you want to Delete all Internet Browsing History. Select Yes. Wait a moment until it deletes the browsing history and close out on the Settings option, go back to site and log back in, and go to the next offer and once completed do it all over again.

You are set to clearing your cookies and completing offers.

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